
Attendance Line: 619-497-3500

Why Is Attendance Such a Big Deal?

According to state law (see below), your child's daily attendance is required each day that s/he is physically able. Parents or guardians are responsible for their child's attendance at school. The school receives funding for your child ONLY when your child is present at school. It is extremely important that students arrive at school on time every day. The first bell rings at 9:10 a.m., when students are expected to be ready to go to class from their line on the blacktop.

Absence from school breaks the continuity of learning. It is parent's responsibility to contact the school when the child is absent. When you call, leave your child's name, room number and the reason for absence.

Student Attendance Laws

All children between 6 and 18 years of age are required by California's Education Code to attend school, and their parents have a legal responsibility to ensure their child's attendance. The law also states that a student's refusal to attend school regularly can result in referral to the community-based School Attendance Review Board (SARB) Juvenile Probation, or the Juvenile Court System. Additionally, parents who fail to compel their child's attendance may face criminal prosecution and penalties.

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