Kindness Certified School

Reflect: To what extent do I show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others?

I have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment.

Kindness Certificate 2021

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. To do this we focus on ten IB learner profile traits, one of them being CARING: We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.


Great Kindness Challenge

We develop the trait of caring and kindness throughout the school year and through our teaching and learning across the curriculum. 

The Birney community participates in the annual Great Kindness Challenge. This event, started by an IB school in Carlsbad, CA, challenges us all to be kind. The GKC checklist includes random acts of kindness like sharing a smile, making someone laugh, painting a kindness rock, or making a new friend. Students are encouraged to complete as many items as they can on the checklist at home and with their classmates.

kindness heart

As a school we incorporate kindness year-round with units and lessons that focus on mindfulness, and finding personal balance. Units also include lessons that develop childrens' social, self-management, and reflective skills online and in person. 
We also have a wellness committee. Check-out our Birney Calming Room and other resources from our amazing Physical Educators Carol Lord and Alison Kenda


Kindness Celebrations Video

Kindness Celebrations Video by Coach Lord (thank you for leading with kindness!)

To celebrate kindness we come together with students, families and staff during our Family Friday in February and then commemorate the event with a picture. Here are a few of our resources for spreading peace, kindness and love for each other and our earth every day of the year.

Most importantly being kind is good for our hearts and brains, and it is FUN! Ask your child to show you their Sour Puss videos they made with our Garden Educator Ms. Swanson. Ask them about their Love Trees they made in 2nd grade or the kindness art they submitted for our Kindness Collage designed by our Arts Educator Mr. Evans. 

Thank you for the families who have contributed to our Padlet. 

Hover Your Camera on the QR Code to Post Post


Post Your Acts of Kindness on our Birney GKC Padlet 

Be sure to check-out Forest's Gratitude Tree that his family posted.

GKC Padlet

Thank you and remember Birney Bees that you can BEE KIND every day, anywhere, anytime. Kindness is free but it is priceless because it improves our relationships and makes our homes, our school, and our world a better and more peaceful place.

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