November is ADHD Awareness Month
Did you know that girls are often undiagnosed? Find out why...
- LDonline All about Learning [dis]abilities and ADHD
- *LDonline en esp.
LD Online, entendemos las necesidades especiales a las que se enfrentan las personas que están aprendiendo el inglés como segundo idioma, y que además tienen discapacidades de aprendizaje.
- *(Translate to Amharic, Arabic, Spanish, Tagalog and more)
CHADD Organization
- Make life at home easier: what can you simplify?
- Check to see if a bio parent might also have a diagnosis of ADHD
- Join a support group
- Notice child's strengths every day
- Set predictable routines
- Get outside / get moving / step away from the screen
- Put tech to bed - make an iPad/cell phone sleeping bag
- Set aside "special time" with your child
More Resources for Families
*Family Network of Disabilities - English, Spanish, Russian, Haitian Creole https://fndusa.org/knowledge-base/
Resources for Gifted Child During COVID19 (still applicable)
*Aprendizaje de inglés - English Learners
Brainpop English Learners (Brainpop para aprender inglés)
Learning Differences
Explorers for the Global Goals
What is Powerful Inquiry?
Learner Agency
*Recursos en espanol - Wide Open School
Cool Math Ideas for You Child with ADHD (cool for all though)